What Is Deep Water Wash on Washing Machine? (Quick Guide)

A deep-water wash in a washing machine is a wash feature only available on top loaded washing machines. This wash type is intended for heavily soiled materials that need to be cleaned. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the deep-water wash cycle and how it can benefit your laundry routine.

Continue reading to best determine when using a deep-water wash is right for you. There are situations where deep water wash is ideal, and there are situations where deep water wash is not the best option for your laundry situation.

What Is Deep Water Wash on Maytag Washer?

The deep-water wash setting on your Maytag washer is excellent for removing heavily soiled articles of clothing. The deep-water wash adds more water to penetrate the fabric better when needed. Even thick fabrics like jean material can have soils removed using the deep-water wash setting on your Maytag washer.

What Is Deep Water Wash on Whirlpool Washer?

The deep-water wash setting is available on top loadable Whirlpool washers with an agitator. Using this setting will submerge your fabrics with extra water to help get rid of soil. When you use deep water wash on your whirlpool washer, you will fill the washer to its maximum water capacity.

What Is Deep Water Wash on Amana Washer?

Deep-water wash on an Amana washer is a feature that allows you to fill your top loadable washer with as much water as capacity will allow. This feature is available on some Amana Washers that have an agitator. Using the deep-water wash function on your Amana Washer allows the water to penetrate better the fabric you wash.

When Should You Use Deep Water Wash?

The deep-water wash function is best used on heavily soiled fabrics. A regular wash cycle may not remove soils from heavier fabrics like jeans and thick towels. These types of fabrics benefit the most from a deep-water wash because the deep-water wash allows the fabric to be penetrated better and removes more of the soil.

Not using a deep-water wash on thick, soiled fabric can cause permanent stains. If you notice your thick fabric is soiled, immediately put it in a deep-water wash to prevent it from staining.

When Should You Use Deep Water Wash?

What Does Deep Water Wash Do?

A deep-water wash will fill your washer to its max capacity with water. This setting allows your fabrics to be fully submerged during their wash. Do not add any extra water, or your washer will overflow and cause a giant mess.

What’s the Difference Between Deep Water Wash and Heavy-Duty Wash?

A deep-water wash will fill your washer’s water level to its maximum capacity. This setting will allow your fabrics to be as submerged in water as possible and is suitable for removing soils from fabrics. A heavy-duty wash will agitate and move your clothes more often. A heavy-duty wash works best on larger loads of laundry because it will move around the clothes more frequently and wash more pieces of fabric.

Deep Water Wash vs. Normal Wash?

A regular wash will not agitate the clothes more than usual, and it will not fill the water more than average. A regular wash works best for a standard unsoiled load of laundry. A deep-water wash will fill the water in your washer to max capacity and works best on any fabric that an outside substance has soiled.

Deep Water Wash vs. Auto Sensing?

Autosensing wash cycles will sense how big a load of laundry in the washer is and fill the water based on how much laundry is present. This feature works great on regular wash cycles. However, an auto wash won’t make changes based on if you have soiled fabric. A deep-water wash works the best for getting any soils out of fabrics.

Deep Water Wash vs. Bulky Sheets?

It would be best if you did not use bulky sheets in a deep-water wash unless they are soiled. This is because bulky sheets are heavy and difficult to dry when wet. If wholly drenched in water as they would be in a deep-water wash, it could take hours to dry your bulky sheets completely. Therefore, to wash bulky sheets, it is ideal to get them wet enough to be clean.

If your bulky sheets are soiled, it is different because a deep-water wash can help remove the soil. However, it would help to keep in mind that drying time will be significantly longer when using bulky sheets in a deep-water wash.

How Long is a Deep-Water Wash Cycle?

A deep-water wash cycle can take two hours, depending on the washer you use and how soiled your fabric is. It takes longer for a deep-water wash to complete its cycle because it is intended to remove as much soil from your fabric as possible.

How Much Water is Used During a Deep-Water Wash

How Much Water is Used During a Deep-Water Wash?

Whirlpool Deep-Water Fill Level

A deep-water wash cycle on a Whirlpool washer will fill the water level up completely. This setting will allow you to submerge your fabrics to remove soil entirely.

Maytag Deep-Water Fill Level

The deep-water wash setting on your Maytag washer will fill your water to maximum capacity. When using the deep-water setting, do not add additional water to your Maytag washer. Adding additional water to your Maytag washer at maximum capacity will cause your washer to flood. This situation creates a huge mess and defeats the purpose of using the deep-water wash setting.

Amana Deep-Water Fill Level

The deep-water wash setting on your Amana washer will fill the washer as much as possible. This setting will help you remove messes from your jeans and towels. Filling the water level on your Amana washer will allow the water to deeply penetrate the fabric and remove messes like mud and spills before they turn into stains.

Final Thoughts

The best time to use a deep-water wash cycle regardless of washer type is when dealing with soiled fabric. For example, it can be difficult for a regular wash cycle to penetrate jeans and towels enough to remove spills and mud. In addition, a regular wash doesn’t fully submerge the fabric, which is needed when dealing with spills.

If you don’t submerge soiled fabrics completely, the spills will likely turn into stains that you can’t remove. Therefore, it is ideal to use a deep-water wash on all spilled on fabrics. However, it would be best not to use a deep-water wash on bulky sheets because it will weigh the sheets down and make them difficult to dry.

It would be best if you did not use deep water wash on large loads of laundry. The heavy-duty wash works better on large loads because it will move around the laundry more often.